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Elderly care, families and caregivers

Elderly care, families and caregivers

10 Mar 2010

If your parents or relatives need permanent company and specialized assistance because of their medical condition, the easiest solution is to find a caregiver or a nurse. Considering the delicate condition of elder people, your search must be personalized, a plus being the experience in working with old persons and speciality courses and degrees, especially when medical problemes are involved.

Like children, elder people can be difficult that is why an acommodation period with the care giver is needed; the qualities of care giver, such as sensibility, attention, seriosity and calm, are very important and will ease the tensions.

Give a hand and help the care giver by writing down daily rutine: meal hours, sleeping hours, time for walk, appointments to the doctor, the pleasant and unpleasant activities.

Emergency phone call numbers such as: your numbers, doctor’s numbers, the ones of family members, friends, should be written down in a easy reachable note book.

A respectful, optimistic, easy going person, who loves life will be like an infusion of energy and youth for ellder people, giving them the necessary energy to feel powerful and happy.

Elderly care, families and caregivers
Author: Andreea Ioana Colotin
Source: NannySource

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